Q. How can i book a session?

A. You can contact us Via the top right link or feel free to call us directly on 01245 360111.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Q. what type music does the studio specialise in creating?

A. Currently we are best suited to assisting singer-songwriters due to the type of studio “Run Wild Music” is. The recording space and skills shown by our team really lend themselves to that specific type of recording style.

Q. how long are sessions on average?

A. Currently the two most popular times are either a 4 hour half a day session or a full day session at 7 hours.

Q. what days per week is the studio open?

A. The studio is open 7 days a week from 9am-7pm.

Q. How can I locate the studio?

A. The link below will take you to google maps, from here you can set directions from your location straight to the studio, should you have trouble locating the building, feel free to give us a call!

 [insert hyperlink here]


A. Vestibulum felis sapien, tincidunt a enim et, hendrerit molestie turpis. Aliquam hendrerit sem vitae laoreet condimentum. Nam tortor felis, faucibus vel euismod et, ornare non felis. Duis sed elementum quam. Mauris et nisi purus. Nam sed pellentesque purus, id commodo nibh. Mauris dignissim blandit suscipit. Nulla rhoncus blandit mi, eget lobortis lacus tincidunt non. Donec sollicitudin massa eu neque tincidunt, nec tincidunt justo fermentum.